Life After School Mentorship program

This 5 weeks long mentorship program is meant to equip students with insights on career paths in Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics. Students will learn how to draft a roadmap suitable to their interests and have mentors to guide them. Several opportunities will also be shared with participants in the process.

Week 1-Orientation (Introduction to objectives)

  1. Career Path Exploration: Equip students with comprehensive insights into various career paths within Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM).
  2. Personalized Roadmap Development: Guide students in drafting personalized roadmaps that align with their interests and career aspirations.
  3. Mentorship and Guidance: Provide students with access to experienced mentors who can offer guidance, support, and advice throughout their career exploration and development.
  4. Opportunity Sharing: Regularly share relevant opportunities such as internships, workshops, scholarships, and networking events with participants to enhance their learning and career prospects.
  5. Skill Development: Focus on developing both hard and soft skills necessary for success in STEAM fields, including critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork.
  6. Growth Tracking: Implement a system to track the progress and growth of attendees in their chosen fields of interest, ensuring they are meeting their personal and professional development goals.
  7. Community Building: Foster a supportive community among participants, encouraging collaboration, knowledge sharing, and peer support.
  8. Feedback and Improvement: Continuously gather feedback from participants to improve the program and ensure it meets their evolving needs and expectations. Meeting Frequency: Saturday of every week

Beatrice wilson

Evans Domenyo

Mode: Virtual

Pairing (OR no Pairing?) - Match mentors and mentees based on skills, interests, and goals. (After 1st / Orientation Session? Or Last Session?)

Roles and Responsibilities

Mentors: Offer guidance, share experiences, and provide constructive feedback. Mentee: Set goals, seek advice, and be proactive in meetings. Program Coordinators: Facilitate matches, oversee progress, and handle any issues.

Training and Resources

  • Provide orientation for mentors and mentees.
  • Offer resources such as goal-setting templates, discussion guides, and training materials.

Communication Plan

  • Establish regular check-ins between the program coordinator and participants.
  • Provide a platform for feedback and support (Whatsapp cool? Or we should add slack?)

Evaluation and Feedback

  • Set up periodic evaluations to assess progress and satisfaction.(How can we do this?)
  • Collect feedback from both mentors and mentees to improve the program.

Recognition and Celebration

  • Acknowledge the efforts and achievements of both mentors and mentees and issu